Do you know the effects of carbon monoxide leaks?


Do you know the effects of carbon monoxide leaks? Conce […]

Do you know the effects of carbon monoxide leaks?

Concentrations of carbon monoxide and possible symptoms of poisoning in healthy adults:

Carbon monoxide concentration in the air Approximate time of inhalation and symptoms
50ppm: the maximum concentration that a healthy adult can tolerate in eight hours
200ppm: After 2-3 hours, slight headache and fatigue
400ppm: Forehead pain within 1-2 hours; life-threatening after 3 hours
800ppm: Dizziness, nausea, convulsions within 45 minutes; unconsciousness within 2 hours; death within 2-3 hours
1600ppm: headache, dizziness, nausea within 20 minutes; death within 1 hour
3200ppm: headache, dizziness, nausea within 5-10 minutes; death within 25-30 minutes
6400ppm: Headache, dizziness, nausea within 1-2 minutes; death within 10-15 minutes
12800ppm: death within 1-3 minutes

Note: The symptoms of CO poisoning in the above table are for healthy adults, and for high-risk and vulnerable groups, their reactions are different.